Vertical High Pressure Pump, PS Type Pressure Pump, Process Pump, Industrial Pressure Pumps, Mumbai, India
Vertical High Pressure Pump, PS Type Pressure Pump, Process Pump, Industrial Pressure Pumps, Mumbai, India

Vertical High Pressure Pump

Vertical High Pressure Pump

Delivery Size: 40mm to 50 mm
Capacity : Up to 20 M3/hrs.
RPM : 3000
Head : Up to 250 meter
These pumps are designed submerging in the boiling water tank. The application of such pumps is required wherever horizontal pumps fail to deliver the boiling water due to water locking problem. Such pumps employs very light weight
fabricated stainless steel impellers. The motor is mounted on the top for which necessary motor stool is provided.
It is extremely useful pump for very hot or boiling water pumping wherever NPSHA is very less and it can not be further increased due to space problem
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